Friday, July 19, 2019

Cooperative movement for Sericulture to stride ahead

Paschim Banga Resham Shilpi Samabaya Mahasangha Ltd. (PBRSSM) was founded in 1956 under the West Bengal Cooperative Societies Act and the West Bengal Cooperative Societies Rules with the object of:
  • Improving traditional rural silk industry of WestBengal and promoting silkworm rearing, silk reeling, weaving of silk fabrics
  • Dyeing and printing of silk fabrics procured through member societies with the aid and guidance of the MSSE & T, KVIC and other organizations connected with the promotion and development of the silk industry
  • Organizing and developing the market for silk goods and handicrafts within or outside the state and abroad
Silk sarees

     The PBRSSM Ltd has at present nine retail outlets of which six are in Kolkata and three in the districts at Siliguri, Barasat and Durgapur.

The organization procures Silk, Matka, Tasar raw materials (kora thans) from Primary Cooperative Societies/ other enlisted societies. The fabric is then printed by enlisted printers. Self-help groups are also engaged for the embroidery works on Tasar, dyed silk. Also, Garad and Baluchari sarees are procured from primary cooperative societies and sold in the showrooms of PBRSSM Ltd.
The designs are based on traditional Bengal designs and also sourced from professional designers of the highest calibre. The mix of tradition and modern with an objective to strengthen the age-old industry in Bengal has worked wonders under the brand Resham Shilpi.
The sericulture farmers and the weavers are provided with credit cards
The Weavers Credit Card scheme was introduced with an aim to provide adequate and timely assistance from the Banking Institutions to the weavers to meet their credit requirement by providing credit at a concessional rate. Maximum limit to individual weavers is up to Rs. 2 lakhs. Normally no margin money is required for limits up to Rs. 25,000/- and 20% margin is required for limits above that.
So, when you buy a Resham Shilpi product, you are contributing to a greater cause and being part of a modern brand as well.